

School is done, exams are getting closer, but this weekend was a good break from it all, and I had a ton of fun. Friday night we went to Kelly's Choir fundraiser, and got to dress up all classy. Got a really cute hat from the silent auction, and had a lot of fun with the friends.
Saturday night we had our Hen House Christmas Dinner, and it was a blast. Me and Dee spent the day running errands, cleaning the house, cooking, and decorating the table for dinner. We had 20 people over, and Cody cooked a big 20 pound turkey, and we had enough food to feed armies. Everyone had so much fun, we did a gift exchange, and by the end of the night no one was coherent.
Today we got up and cleaned the house (which was disgusting ha), went for breakfast together, and then exchanged gifts among my roomies. got some nice stuff (thanks roomies!), and then had a realxing afternoon, and currently taking a break from cleaning my room.
Exams start this week... wish me luck!!

Heres a few pictures from the weekend!!

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